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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Well, this is a fine mess...

"Washington D.C. is 12 square miles bordered by reality."

Andrew Johnson, 17th President, 1865-1869

Andrew Johnson was selected by Lincoln as his Republican Vice Presidential running mate in 1864 as a Pro-Union Senator from the south. Johnson was also Pro Slavery, as he believed it was supported by the Constitution.
Had Lincoln lived, Johnson might have served as a passable Vice President, but as President, he could not (and did not care to try) please the "Victorious" northern interests and was seen as a traitor by the southern aristocracy. Johnson had wanted to divide the plantations and give parcels to the Confederate soldiers who had fought in the war.
The Reconstruction of the Union basically was a failure under Johnson. Southern states were re-instated but Congress did not re-admit former Confederate leaders to the House. The former slaves were to have been granted full rights but Johnson did not support that legislation. These policies and decisions led to two impeachment attempts.
He accomplished very little during his term and was not re-elected.
He was re-elected as a Democratic senator in 1875.

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