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Saturday, June 2, 2012

July 21 No man can sit down and withhold his hands from the warfare against wrong and get peace from his acquiescence. Woodrow Wilson, 28th President, 1913-1921 ADDRESS OF HON. WOODROW WILSON GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY IN THE AUDITORIUM, DENVER, COLO. ON THE OCCASION OF THE TERCENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE INTO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAY 7, 1911 And so when you see a man going along the highways of life with his gaze lifted above the road, lifted to the sloping ways in front of him, then be careful of that man and get out of his way. He knows the kingdom for which he is bound. He has seen the revelation of himself and of his relations to mankind. He has seen the revelations of his relation to God and his Maker, and therefore he has seen his responsibility in the world. This is the revelation of life and of peace. I do not know that peace lies in constant accommodation... No man can sit down and withhold his hands from the warfare against wrong and get peace out of his acquiescence. The most solid and satisfying peace is that which comes from this constant spiritual warfare, and there are times in the history of nations when they must take up the crude instruments of bloodshed in order to vindicate spiritual conceptions. For liberty is a spiritual conception, and when men take up arms to set other men free, there is something sacred and holy in the warfare. I will not cry “peace” so long as there is sin and wrong in the world.

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